Ajam (the Adam, Jon, and Mitch show)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

AJAM 114

Ajam114: Well folks, ajam has been on a bit of a hiatus the last couple of weeks, but we managed to get together long enough for a mid week addition. Tonight we had lots of topics on our plate so I will try to keep the description as brief as possible. We start with a bit of a mention on Heath Ledgers death which we did not get a chance to talk about when it happened. From there we went on to talk a bit about the new Rambo movie which Adam and myself went to see a little over a week ago. If you like killing at it's most graphic then this movie is for you. We didn't get to talk about or pick the Super Bowl before it happened so we give you a little bit of our take on that. Adam has some info and the current writers strike as well as more on the possibility of an Arrested Development movie. He also happened to mention that they plan on releasing a third installment to The Mummy series of movies. Tigers Woods continues to be on a roll. How long can he keep this momentum going? We just happened to do this podcast a day after Super Tuesday and we give our take on who we voted for as well as a little light hearted fun involving politics and the recent elections. Well at least that is what I am saying that it was. Send us your comments. ajamshow@gmail.com


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